Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Loving ICT


   Almost everyone believes that technology has made life easier and more comfortable and that has enable us to perform tasks that we could not do otherwise. A lists of the benefits of technology would be very long indeed. However, as with almost everything we human beings have created, technology has a downside.
   But we didn't know that technology does not necessarily make life simpler but rather than more complicated. For me, learning with these technology is more easier and simpler. And this second grading period, we've learned a lot, just like using the notepad and html tags. And having this kind of topic is also overwhelming because it gives me more ideas that I really like.
   We need to love Technology because it can make me a better person and student.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Modern Hero

   In our childhood time we all had our favorite superheroes. We loved them, whorshipped them, pretended to be them, dressed like them and even talked like them. Now that were adults, We are too well aware that heroes are in high demand but can rarely be found. 
   Before, we taught that heroes are just the one that has superstrenght and superpowes who saves another person or group of people. But modern heroes try their best to work everything out for the people around their community no matter how hard it is. A real hero always has the courage to do things that are right. Courage can be portrayed physical bravely and strenght, but fighting for what is right regardless of whether you win or lose takes more strengt in character, and is ultimately more courageous.

Monday, October 7, 2013

My Teacher, My Hero

  Everyone has the power to become a hero, in just simply helping others that are in need. One of them are our TEACHERS, but their work is not that easy. Yes! They're not sacrificing their lives, but they are the one why people become doctors, lawyers and many more. People become successful because of them and because of their untiring patience that is so unconditional.
  They say that school is our second home and teachers are our second parents. So their work is not onnly to teach us lessons but also to act as our second parents in our second home. Its seems very hard right? But, I can say that teachers are incredible because they are doing their best just for us to gain more ideas.
  Teachers are one of the most important personels in this world and without them, we can't achieve our dreams or goals in life. Thanks to all the Teachers! To all the patienc. They are the real HERO's

Unravel The Causes, Build The Solution Empower Science Clubbers In Action

    They say, without Science life is boring. Because of Science we have everything that can make us say "wow", because of inventions made by our scientist/inventor and gadgets that can entertain us. But some of this are destroying our mother earth, thats why many people are dying because of the work of the human beings. If inventors can invent things that can destroy our environment, why cant they make a gadget to save it?
  I think we need to make our own solution about the problem were facing now, problem about our nature, nature that we should love and take care of, not to destroy it for our own happines. Lets help each othe, for just simply putting our trash in the right place, and convincing our neighborhood in our place. We are one of the scientists and our goal is to make some inventions that can help save our mother earth....